Press Story
Birmingham and the West Midlands can be proud of its rich, vibrant and resilient arts and culture sector. We, the organisations and individuals that create and present this offer, are continuing to welcome audiences, work with communities, and support artists in Birmingham, the West Midlands, the UK and internationally.
The arts and cultural sector in Birmingham has proven its stability. In 2010, Birmingham City Council's arts investment stood at £9.7 million, it is currently £2.9 million a year; in the same timeframe the council's museums grant has decreased by a third. Since 2010 we have worked hard to secure additional investment and to employ innovative business models. This is in partnership with Birmingham City Council and others including Arts Council England, the West Midlands Combined Authority, trusts, foundations, national lottery funders, higher education institutions and the private sector.
Birmingham City Council's continued support and relationship with the complex ecology of organisations, artists and cultural assets in Birmingham is invaluable, and crucial to the region's future growth. We look forward to working with Birmingham City Council, incoming commissioners, and wider stakeholders to ensure that the venues, artists, communities, major events and festivals of Birmingham continue to contribute to the vibrant cultural and economic life of the city and region.
City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, Culture Central, its members and affiliates.
About Culture Central
As a collective, and a collective voice for the cultural sector in Birmingham and the West Midlands we will continue to support our members and the wider cultural ecology. We know that there is a lot of uncertainty for those working in Birmingham, and we continue to advocate and support the sector for the people and places of the region. We are here to help.