Thank you

Thank you
The City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra makes musical experiences to enrich the lives of audiences and communities across Birmingham, the West Midlands and beyond. This work is made possible thanks to the incredible support we receive from our members, donors, trusts & foundations, and corporate partners.
Exceptional Supporters
The following supporters have developed the CBSO’s world-class excellence and community reach by offering exceptional philanthropic support to the CBSO and CBSO Development Trust – thank you!
City of Birmingham Orchestral Endowment Fund
John Osborn CBE
David and Sandra Burbidge (Eugene Tzikindelean) Supporters of the Burbidge leaders position
Sir Dominic and Lady Cadbury
Alison and Jamie Justham
Barry and Frances Kirkham
Maurice Millward
Jerry Sykes (Catherine Ardagh-Walter)
Peter How (Tim Birchall)
Chris and Jane Loughran (Jonathan Martindale)
Simon and Margaret Payton (Julian Atkinson)
Benefactors and donors
We are grateful to the following
supporters for their major contributions.
Vivian and Hazel Astling
Peter and Isabel Churcher
John Cole and Jennie Howe (Peter Campbell-Kelly)
Jane Epstein
Anita and Wyn Griffiths
David Knibb in memory of Lorraine (Jonathan Quirk)
Ian McAlpine
Patrick and Tricia McDermott (Helen Edgar and Rachael Pankhurst)
Felonious Mongoose in memory of Dolores (Jason Lewis)
Gay Nebel
Christopher Oakley
We are incredibly grateful for the support we receive from Trusts and Foundations. This enables us to deliver all aspects of our work, which includes bringing musical experiences to young people and communities in the West Midlands.
29th May 1961 Charitable Trust
Art Mentor Foundation Lucerne
Backstage Trust
Baron Davenport's Charity
Clive Richards Foundation
Dumbreck Charity
Dunard Fund
Esmee Fairbairn Foundation
Fidelio Charitable Trust
Garfield Weston Foundation
George Fentham Birmingham Charity
GJW Turner Trust
Grantham Yorke Trust
Idlewild Trust
John Ellerman Foundation
John Horniman's Children's Trust
Miss Albright Grimley Charity
Rix-Thompson-Rothenberg Foundation
Scops Arts Trust
The Alan Woodfield Charitable Trust
The Andor Charitable Trust
The Austin And Hope Pilkington Trust
The Charles Brotherton Trust
The D'Oyly Carte Charitable Trust
The Edward and Dorothy Cadbury Trust
The Fenton Arts Trust
The George Henry Collins Charity
The Golsoncott Foundation
The Grey Court Trust
The Grimmitt Trust
The Helen Rachael Mackaness Charitable Trust
The JABBS Foundation
The John Avins Trust
The John Feeney Charitable Trust
The Leverhulme Trust
The LJC Fund
The Lord Austin Trust
The MacRobert Trust
The McLay Dementia Trust
The M K Rose Charitable Trust
The Oakley Charitable Trust
The Patrick Trust
The Perry Family Charitable Trust
The Rachel Baker Memorial Charity
The Rigby Foundation
The Roger and Douglas Turner Charitable Trust
The Rowlands Trust
The S and D Lloyd Charity
The Saintbury Trust
The Uncle Bill Trust
Over 1,500 members contribute annually to ensure the orchestra's vital work, both on and off the concert platform, can happen. Thank you to each and every one of you.
Symphony Circle
John Cole and Jennie Howe (Peter Campbell-Kelly)
Gill and Jonathan Evans (Charlotte Skinner)
Anita and Wyn Griffiths
Len Hughes and Jacquie Blake (Anthony Alcock)
David Knibb in memory of Lorraine (Jonathan Quirk)
Ian and Pam MacLennan (Mark Phillips)
Graham Russell and Gloria Bates (Georgia Hannant)
Mark and Amanda Smith (Catherine Bower)
and our other anonymous supporters.
London Circle
Philip Abrams and Ida Levine
Richard and Patricia Burbidge
David and Marilyn Clark
Peggy Czyzak-Dannenbaum
Andrew Deacon
Belinda McMicking
Graeme and Sue Sloan
Hattie and Tony Smart
Concerto Circle
Viv & Hazel Astling (Lowri Porter)
John Bartlett (Mark O'Brien)
The Barwell Charitable Trust
Allan and Jennifer Buckle (Helen Benson)
Jill S Cadbury (Julia Aberg)
Peter White and Isabel Churcher (Elspeth Dutch)
Gay Nebel and Trevor Clarke (Bryony Morrison)
Charlie and Louise Craddock (Bethan Allmand)
David Gregory (Nate Bomans)
The Andrew Harris Charitable Trust
Dr Allan Hough (Athur Boutellier)
Peter How (Tim Birchall)
Alison and Jamie Justham (David Vines)
Valerie Lester (Jacqueline Tyler)
Angela O'Farrell and Michael Lynes (Toby Kearney)
Joe O’Meara
Paddy and Wendy Martin (David BaMaung)
Patrick and Tricia McDermott (Helen Edgar and Rachael Pankhurst)
Carole McKeown and David Low (Miguel Fernandes)
Philip and Clare Moore (Katherine Thomas)
Frank North
Dianne Page (Catherine Arlidge)
Gerard Paris (Amy Jones)
Simon and Margaret Payton (Julian Atkinson)
Robert Perkin
Margaret Rogers (Moritz Pfister)
Mr D P Spencer (Oliver Janes)
Jan and Peter Sterling and the Newport Music Coach (Jeremy Bushell)
Lesley Thomson (Jessica Tickle)
Basil and Patricia Turner (Marie-Christine Zupancic)
Judy Vero, in memory of Howard (Richard Watkin)
Michael Ward
Diana and Peter Wardley (Oliver Janes)
Robert Wilson (Emmet Byrne)
The following players are supported
by anonymous members of the
Overture, Concerto and Symphony
Circles, to whole we are very grateful:
Mark Goodchild
Sarah Malcolm
Joanna Patton
Adam Römer
Jeremy Watt
Overture Circle
Jan Adams in memory of Mike (Eduardo Vassallo)
Katherine Aldridge, in memory of Chris
Michael Allen in memory of Yvonne
Miss J L Arthur (Julian Walters)
Kiaran Asthana
Mr M K Ayers
Peter and Jane Baxter
Christine and Neil Bonsall
Mrs Jennifer Brooks in memory of David (Julia Aberg)
Tenors of the CBSO Chorus (Joanna Patton)
Helen Chamberlain in memory of Allan Chamberlain (Sally Morgan)
Dr Anthony Cook and Ms Susan Elias
Robin and Kathy Daniels
Julian and Lizzie Davey
Jenny Dawson
Dr Judith Dewsbury in memory of Tony (Kate Setterfield)
Alan Faulkner
Elisabeth Fisher (Colette Overdijk)
Mary and Tony Hale
Cliff Hubbold
Lord Hunt of Kings Heath in memory of Harry and Rose Jacobi
Mr Michael and Mrs Elaine Jones
John and Jenny Kendall
John and Lisa Kent (Veronika Klirova)
Jane Lewis
Richard Lewis
James and Anthea Lloyd
Tim Marshall (Nikolaj Henriques)
Carol Miller
Philip Mills
Paul and Elaine Murray
Ian C Norton
Andrew Orchard and Alan Jones
Roger and Jenny Otto in memory of Juliet
Rob Page
Sir Michael and Lady Joan Perry
Dr John Peterson
Rosalyn and Philip Phillips
Julie and Tony Phillips (Jack Greed)
Clive and Cynthia Prior
Ian Richards
Peter and Shirley Robinson
Dr Roger Shinton
Eleanor Sinton (Adrian Spillett)
Pam and Alistair Smith
Mr A M and Mrs R J Smith
William Smith
Mr M and Mrs S A Squires
Brenda Summer
Janet and Michael Taplin
Alan Titchmarsh MBE (Matthew Hardy)
Mr R J and Mrs M Walls
Roy Walton
Shearer West
Mr E M Worley CBE and Mrs A Worley DL
Richard and Emma Yorke
and our other anonymous supporters.
Gold Patrons
Richard Allen and Gail Barron
Mike Bowden
Patrick Burns
Lady Cadbury
Mr C J M Carrier
Christine and John Carroll
Tim Clarke and family
Professor and Mrs M H Cullen
Roger and Liz Dancey
Sir Ian and Lady Dove
Geoff and Dorothy Fearnehough
Nicola Fleet-Milne
Susan and John Franklin
Mr R Furlong and Ms M Penlington
Insa Nolte and Simon Green
John Gregory in memory of Janet
Dr Melvyn Kershaw
Nigel and Sarah Moores
Chris and Eve Parker
Phillipa and Laurence Parkes
Chris and Sue Payne
Canon Dr Terry Slater
Dr Barry and Mrs Marian Smith
Pam Snell
Ian and Ann Standing
Bryan and Virginia Turner
Revd T and Mrs S Ward
David Wright and Rachel Parkins
and our other anonymous supporters.
Silver Patrons
Mr S V Barber
Mr P G Battye
Paul Bond
Mr A D and Mrs M Campbell
Dr Anand Chitnis MBE and Mrs Sarah Chitnis
Peter and Jane Christopher
Jane Fielding and Benedict Coleman
Alan Cook
David and Marian Crawford-Clarke
Mrs A P Crockson
Dr Margaret Davis and Dr John Davis
Alistair Dow
Naomi and David Dyker
Mr G L and Mrs D Evans
Peter Gorbing
Mrs D R Greenhalgh
Sue Clodd and Mike Griffiths
Cliff Haresign
Bob and Elizabeth Keevil
Rodney and Alyson Kettel
Rebecca King in loving memory of Ian
Mr Peter T Marsh
James and Meg Martineau
Peter and Julia Maskell
Carmel and Anthony Mason
Dr and Mrs Bernard Mason
Anthony and Barbara Newson
Richard Newton
Mrs A J Officer
Liz and Keith Parkes
Mr R Perkins and Miss F Hughes
Dr and Mrs Plewes
Revd Canon Richard & Mrs Gill Postill
Kath and Mike Poulter
Eileen Poxton in memory of Reg Poxton
Dr and Mrs R C Repp
Ray Smith
Emma Stenning
Andy Street]
John and Dorothy Tesh
Professor and Mrs J A Vale
William and Janet Vincent
Tony and Hilary Vines
Peter Walling
Stephen Williams
John and Daphne Wilson
Geoff and Moira Wyatt
and our other anonymous supporters
Mrs Thérèse Allibon
Val and Graham Bache
Andrew Baker and Anna Almond
John Baldwin
Andrew Barnell
Mr and Mrs Barnfield
Di Bass
Paul Beckwith
Mr I L Bednall
Peter and Gill Bertinat
Philip and Frances Betts
Mrs Ann Billen
Michael and Beryl Blood
Bridget Blow CBE
Anthony and Jennifer Bradbury
Dr Jane Flint Bridgewater and Mr Kenneth Bridgewater
Mr Arthur Brooker
Ross Browning
Mr G H and Mrs J M Butler
Benedict and Katharine Cadbury
Jeannie Cadman
Elizabeth Ceredig
Carole and Richard Chillcott
Dr A J Cochran
Dee and Paul Cocking
Mrs S M Coote in memory of John
D and M Coppage
Maureen and Malcolm Cornish
Luned Corser
Maurice and Ann Crutchlow
Judith Cutler and Keith Miles
Sue Dalley and Martin Willis
Robert and Barbara Darlaston
Lynda and Lesley Davies Bailey
Trevor Davis
Kath Deakin
Dr J Dilkes
Brian and Mary Dixon
Thomas Dobson
Barbara Donaldson
Terry Dougan and Christina Lomas
John Drury
Catherine Duke
Chris Eckersley
Linda and William Edmondson
Alex and Fran Elder
Miss E W Evans
Dr D W Eyre-Walker
Chris Fonteyn MBE
Mary Smith and Brian Gardner - in memory of John and Jen
Colin and Barbara Gardner
Alan and Christine Giles
Prof J Gilkison and Prof T Hocking
R and J Godfrey
Jill Godsall
Peter Gorbing
Laura Greenaway in memory of David Richards
In Memory of Jack and Pam Nunn
Roger and Gaye Hadley
Miss A R Haigh
Stephen Hale and Stephen Wood
Mr W L Hales
Malcolm Harbour
Ian Hartland
John and Pippa Wickson
Phil Haywood in memory of Ann
Keith Herbert and Pat Gregory
Susan Holmes in memory of Peter
Valerie and David Howitt
Penny Hughes
Henry and Liz Ibberson
Mr R M E and Mrs V Irving
Ken and Chris Jones
Paul Juler
Mrs P Keane
Mr and Mrs R Kirby
Professor and Mrs R J Knecht
Bill Lane
Brian Langton
Colin & Joan Lapworth
Mrs D Larkam
Steve Leonard and Debbie Fuller
Professor David London
Gill and Philip Marshall
Geoff and Jenny Mason
Mr A A McLintock
Patro Mobsby
Geoff Mullett
P J and H I B Mulligan
Mrs M M Nairn
Richard and Shirley Newby
Richard Newton and Katharine Francis
Brian Noake
Ms E Norton OBE
Marie and John O’Brien
Mr and Mrs R T Orme
S J Osborne
Nigel Packer
Rod Parker and Lesley Biddle
Graham and Bobbie Perry
Dr Ken and Diana Pollock
Neal Porter
David and Julia Powell
Gill Powell and John Rowlatt
C Predota
Roger Preston
Richard and Lynda Price
John Randall and Ling Ong
Dr and Mrs K Randle
John Rawnsley and Hanne Hoeck
Katy and David Ricks
Peter and Pauline Roe
Jane and Peter Rowe
Helen Rowett and David Pelteret
Dr Gwynneth Roy
Mrs L J Sadler
In memory of Cliff Sage
Carole and Chris Sallnow
Stephen Saltaire
William and Eileen Saunders
Margaret and Andrew Sherrey
Dr and Mrs Shrank
Keith Shuttleworth
Elizabeth Simons
Mr N R Skelding
Ed Smith
Mary Smith and Brian Gardner in memory of John and Jen
Matthew Somerville and Deborah Kerr
Lyn Stephenson
Anne Stock
Mr and Mrs J B Stuffins
J E Sutton
Barbara Taylor in memory of Michael Taylor
Claire Tilt
Mrs J H Upward
Robert van Elst
Bob and Louise Vivian
Kit Ward
Ann Warne
Neil Warren
Mrs M L Webb
Elisabeth and Keith Wellings
Mr and Mrs J West
Pippa Whittaker
Richard and Mary Williams
Barry and Judith Williamson
John Winterbottom
Caroline and Richard York
and our other anonymous supporters
Thank you to those who have chosen to make a gift to the CBSO this year:
Katherine Aldridge
Baltimore Friends of the CBSO
John Cole and Jennie Howe
Professor Dame Sandra Dawson
Naomi Dyker
Wally Francis
Peter Graham
Chris Morley
Members of the Newport Music Coach
Mr & Mrs P Rawle
Frances and Bob Young
The George Cadbury Fund
Legacy Donors
We are grateful to all those who have given to the CBSO Development Trust's private endowment fund, thus enabling the orchestra to become more self-sufficient for the long term.
The late Mrs Abbott
The late Anne Adams
In memory of Chris Aldridge
The late Trevor Almond
In memory of Peter Ashton
In memory of Foley L Bates
The late Terence Baum
The late Elizabeth Bathurst Blencowe
The late Mr Peter Black
The Late Miss G Brant
The late Mary Brown
The late Michael Brown
The late Richard Busby
The late I M Chesner
The late Colin W Clarke
The late Roy Collins
David in memory of Ruth
The late Mr Peter Day
The late K Draper
The late Ivor Dudley
The late Miss Margery Elliott
The late Eileen Fairhurst
The late Mary Fellows
The late Elnora Ferguson
The late Anne Fletcher
The late June Fluck
The late Wally Francis
The late Alan Goodwin
The late Colin Graham
The late Averil and Terry Green
The late Kenneth Guest
The late Mrs Marjorie Hildreth
The late Roger Hill
The late Estella Hindley
The late Patricia Homeshaw
The late Mr Hucker
The late Rosalind Jackson
The late William Jones
The late Michael Jordan
The late Mrs Thelma Justham
The late Beresford King-Smith
The late Mr John Thomas Knight
The late Mr and Mrs F. Mcdemott and Mrs C. Hall
The late Blyth and Myriam Major
The late Mrs Mahon
The late Joyce Middleton
The late Christine Miller
The late Peter and Moyra Monahan
The late Arthur Mould
The late June North
The late Martin Purdy
The late Cyril Reeves
In memory of David Reeve, a true music lover
The late J Renwick
The late Frederick Richardson
The late Mrs Edith Roberts
The late Trevor Robinson
The late John Roe
The late Mr Andrew Roulstone
The late Carl Schwalbe
The late Thomas Edward Scott
The late Barbara Shields
The late Margaret Skene
The late Mrs C E Smith
The late Mrs Eileen Summers
The late Sheri Tullah
The late Lorraine Westcott
The late David Wilson
Endowment Donors
We are grateful to all those who have given to the CBSO Development Trust's private endowment fund, thus enabling the orchestra to become more self-sufficient for the long term.
Mike and Jan Adams
Arts for All
Viv and Hazel Astling
The Barwell Charitable Trust
In memory of Foley L Bates
Bridget Blow CBE
Miss Margery Elliott
Simon Fairclough
Sir Dexter Hutt
Irwin Mitchell Solicitors
The Justham Trust
Mrs Thelma Justham
Barry and Frances Kirkham
Chris and Jane Loughran
Linda Maguire-Brookshaw
Mazars Charitable Trust
Andrew Orchard and Alan Jones
John Osborn
Margaret Payton
Roger Pemberton and Monica Pirotta
David Pett
Pinsent Masons
Martin Purdy
Peter and Sally-Ann Sinclair
Jerry Sykes
Alessandro and Monica Toso
Patrick Verwer
R C and F M Young Trust
Public Funders

Principal Sponsor

Corporate Partners

Education Partners

Strategic & In-Kind

Credits correct as of January 2024