Born in Luton, Anthony grew up near Horsham in Sussex and started learning the trombone at secondary school. Following tests for musical ability, he was offered free instrumental lessons which he says ‘would otherwise have been beyond my family’s means’. As he only knew of the violin and the trombone as orchestral instruments, he plumped for the trombone. With lots going on at his school musically he caught the bug very quickly and knew at the age of 14 that he wanted to be a professional musician.
Initially at the Royal National College of Music with Peter Gane and Andy Berryman, Anthony then studied at the Guildhall School of Music with Dudley Bright and Eric Crees. For three years during his time at college Anthony was a member of the European Community Youth Orchestra. He then freelanced with major UK symphony orchestras for ten years before joining the CBSO.
As 2nd trombone with the Orchestra Anthony says his highlights number too many to pick just one as his working life with is so enjoyable. Outside of the CBSO Anthony teaches at the Birmingham Conservatoire where he enjoys helping to develop the region’s most talented young musicians.
Married with two children, Anthony also manages to fit in regular squash playing and says he can ‘occasionally be seen standing in the way of the wicket for the CBSO cricket team’.