News Story

The last week of August was a total joy for every member of the orchestra and staff as we were able to bring free live music to thousands of people in and around Birmingham.

From the Birmingham Museum and the Botanical Gardens, to Wednesbury Library, Grosvenor Road Studios and even the West Midlands Metro, the city was filled with performances from our incredible musicians and Music Director, Kazuki Yamada.

We kicked off CBSO in the City at The Bullring, as part of the Birmingham Weekender. Seeing every tier of the shopping centre full to watch Kazuki and the orchestra during both performances was just incredible.

In Numbers

27 performances in 15 locations

More than 1700 minutes of free music

86 musicians (+ 1 Music Director and the CBSO Chorus)

"My son and daughter were absolutely mesmerised by your performance today. They loved the music!"

Then throughout the week, members of the orchestra took free live music to many places and spaces in and around the city which included Birmingham Botanical Gardens, ThinkTank, Yorks Cafe at Ikon, The Jam House, Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, Wednesbury Library, Wednesbury Art Gallery, New Street Station, Grosvenor Road Studio, Birmingham Library and Packington Estate.

We’re hugely grateful for the generous support provided by John Osborn CBE and NBB Law which helped to make these events possible.

"What a fabulous experience - the CBSO at their best and with a choral piece at the end was amazing. Thank you for this amazing week - it has been really special."

The Week On Social Media

"I was just about to catch my train home, and heard the amazing music. I had to stay to listen. Truly amazing. Hairs stood on end. Actually caused me to miss my train, but was worth it. Thank you for enriching my day CBSO!!!!"